story art // character design // animation
[ Jul to Aug 2021: 48 Hour Film Anthology ]
Making a film in 48 hours because why not? I got pulled into this one. Remember Shay from Arborea? They handled most of the background painting on this film.
Story Time
There was this person named "Dingus" on the discord and I had no idea that "Dingus" was a real person on the team until we were well into the production. I thought everyone was calling my friend, Paige, a "dingus."
Turns out Dingus is a super-talented artist who was NOT in the SJSU program. Sometimes I wonder if Dingus was their real name... sometimes I wonder if Dingus was real... I guess I'll never know.
Character Design
I took Dingus's hilariously awesome character sketch (left) and made it production ready (right).
My animatic contribution
The team was throwing in ideas while Corin, Nik and I drew storyboards on a shared digital whiteboard.
We were laughing the whole time, the story was mad and chaotic, and there were no bad ideas in the best way possible.
That energy definitely shows up in the final film.
My 5 shots
I was responsible for all the animation in these shots.
I painted Shot 3 (the Cheeto dust was a tasteful touch if I do say so myself.)
I also composited Shot 2. It was my first time using After Effects to composite and I had to annoy Nik and Corin to reveal their secrets.